Some religions have tenets that govern what followers can and cannot eat. Muslims follow a halal diet, or “permissible” foods under Muslim dietary law. Foods that are forbidden are haraam and it's easier to list the foods that aren't allowed instead of what is allowed. The forbidden foods are meat from animals that die from disease or that are not killed by another Muslim, the meat of carnivores, all cuts of pork and pork products including JELL-O, cheeses made with pork renin, and alcohol.
Non-Muslims may think that a halal diet means eating vegetarian if their Muslim friends refuse meat at meals. Some Muslims may choose not to eat meat because they cannot be sure the meat is halal or they may choose to be vegetarian or vegan for other reasons. However, all other meat (chicken, beef, lamb, goat, fish) can be eaten as long as it is prepared accordingly and not contaminated by haraam foods. It's actually easy to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet when following a halal diet, and staying healthy on a Muslim diet is equally as easy.
Here is some more insights on what it means to follow this diet and how to go about staying healthy on a Muslim diet.
Healthy eating
Chapati and rice are staples of the Muslim diet. Chapati is made with whole wheat flour and whole grains tend to be nutrient-dense. They are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and tend to have a low glycemic index. Eating more whole grains is associated with improved insulin sensitivity, better glycemic control and a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and it’s good for staying healthy on a Muslim diet. Eating chapati filled with vegetables and beans is a very healthy meal and can provide adequate amounts of fiber and protein.
When preparing rice, choose brown rice over white for its glycemic index. Brown rice won’t cause a rapid spike in blood sugar; it will provide fuel for your workout and keep you full longer. Rice and beans is a common meal across all cultures. They are complementary proteins and, when combined, they can provide all nine essential amino acids that are found in animal proteins.
Benefits of spices
Halal food is often prepared with an abundance of spice. The most common spice used is curry. Curry powder does have health benefits, and contributes to one staying healthy on a Muslim diet. Turmeric is an ingredient in curry that is an antioxidant and can lower the risk of developing colon cancer, heart disease and arthritis. There is another benefit to eating spicy foods; capsaicin found in hot peppers helps curb appetite and increases metabolic activity because it is a thermogenic agent. That can be a plus if you find yourself always reaching for unhealthy snacks with very low nutrient value. So, if you love the spicy foods you can prepare on a halal diet, go for it. You can add spice and flavor to meals by using ginger, curry, paprika, and red pepper. However, beware of some of the spice mixes; they are high in sodium.
If you work out, over time, the combined benefits of spicy food and strength training can increase metabolism. This is just one of the many ways staying healthy on a Muslim diet is possible.
Portion size
The halal diet encourages healthy eating, but it is important to eat enough. A 165 pound man needs approximately 2,800 to 3,200 calories a day to maintain his weight. The average man needs to ingest one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Adequate amounts of protein can be obtained from beans, nuts, eggs, yogurt, milk, and cheese. You need protein to build and repair muscle, skin and hair, but you don't have to overdo it. Roughly 25% to 30% of your calories should come from protein. One cup of milk has eight grams of protein. An eight ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein, a cup of beans has 16 grams of protein, and a three ounce cut of meat has about 21 grams of protein. The other 60% of your total daily calories should come from complex carbs and 10% to 15% should come from fats.
Losing weight on a Muslim diet
If you’re trying to lose weight, don't skip meals. Your body will assume it’s starving and your metabolism will slow down. This is counterproductive. Instead, cut calories by 500 per day. That will equal one pound of weight loss per week, which is healthy. To gain weight, increase your diet by 500 calories for a healthy weight gain of one to two pounds a week. Be sure to eat complex, not simple, carbohydrates. Choose low glycemic foods; they won't spike blood sugar too quickly. Cook with healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola oil. After your workouts, choose post-workout meals to replace utilized carbs and protein; a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a good balance of protein and carbs.
healthy eating
P/S: As with any diet, when eating according to Muslim law on a halal diet, be sure you’re eating everything in moderation to stay healthy.
Non-Muslims may think that a halal diet means eating vegetarian if their Muslim friends refuse meat at meals. Some Muslims may choose not to eat meat because they cannot be sure the meat is halal or they may choose to be vegetarian or vegan for other reasons. However, all other meat (chicken, beef, lamb, goat, fish) can be eaten as long as it is prepared accordingly and not contaminated by haraam foods. It's actually easy to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet when following a halal diet, and staying healthy on a Muslim diet is equally as easy.
Here is some more insights on what it means to follow this diet and how to go about staying healthy on a Muslim diet.
Healthy eating
Chapati and rice are staples of the Muslim diet. Chapati is made with whole wheat flour and whole grains tend to be nutrient-dense. They are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and tend to have a low glycemic index. Eating more whole grains is associated with improved insulin sensitivity, better glycemic control and a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and it’s good for staying healthy on a Muslim diet. Eating chapati filled with vegetables and beans is a very healthy meal and can provide adequate amounts of fiber and protein.
When preparing rice, choose brown rice over white for its glycemic index. Brown rice won’t cause a rapid spike in blood sugar; it will provide fuel for your workout and keep you full longer. Rice and beans is a common meal across all cultures. They are complementary proteins and, when combined, they can provide all nine essential amino acids that are found in animal proteins.
Benefits of spices
Halal food is often prepared with an abundance of spice. The most common spice used is curry. Curry powder does have health benefits, and contributes to one staying healthy on a Muslim diet. Turmeric is an ingredient in curry that is an antioxidant and can lower the risk of developing colon cancer, heart disease and arthritis. There is another benefit to eating spicy foods; capsaicin found in hot peppers helps curb appetite and increases metabolic activity because it is a thermogenic agent. That can be a plus if you find yourself always reaching for unhealthy snacks with very low nutrient value. So, if you love the spicy foods you can prepare on a halal diet, go for it. You can add spice and flavor to meals by using ginger, curry, paprika, and red pepper. However, beware of some of the spice mixes; they are high in sodium.
If you work out, over time, the combined benefits of spicy food and strength training can increase metabolism. This is just one of the many ways staying healthy on a Muslim diet is possible.
Portion size
The halal diet encourages healthy eating, but it is important to eat enough. A 165 pound man needs approximately 2,800 to 3,200 calories a day to maintain his weight. The average man needs to ingest one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Adequate amounts of protein can be obtained from beans, nuts, eggs, yogurt, milk, and cheese. You need protein to build and repair muscle, skin and hair, but you don't have to overdo it. Roughly 25% to 30% of your calories should come from protein. One cup of milk has eight grams of protein. An eight ounce container of yogurt has about 11 grams of protein, a cup of beans has 16 grams of protein, and a three ounce cut of meat has about 21 grams of protein. The other 60% of your total daily calories should come from complex carbs and 10% to 15% should come from fats.
Losing weight on a Muslim diet
If you’re trying to lose weight, don't skip meals. Your body will assume it’s starving and your metabolism will slow down. This is counterproductive. Instead, cut calories by 500 per day. That will equal one pound of weight loss per week, which is healthy. To gain weight, increase your diet by 500 calories for a healthy weight gain of one to two pounds a week. Be sure to eat complex, not simple, carbohydrates. Choose low glycemic foods; they won't spike blood sugar too quickly. Cook with healthy fats, such as olive oil or canola oil. After your workouts, choose post-workout meals to replace utilized carbs and protein; a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is a good balance of protein and carbs.
healthy eating
P/S: As with any diet, when eating according to Muslim law on a halal diet, be sure you’re eating everything in moderation to stay healthy.
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