When you, as bumiputeras, object to allow 'others' to study in UiTM, you are deemed to be intellectually afraid to compete academically with 'others'; in this case, 'the non-bumiputras'.
And we are talking about an intake of only 10 % non-bumiputeras, who may NOT even be the cream amongst them.
And when you are scared to compete academically with "others", even if you think you are the best of the lot, you are nothing more than a "one-eyed king in the kingdom of the blind."
Tan Sri Khalid wasn't asking you to compete with the world's best students, nor did he suggest that you compete with the cream of the non-bumiputeras, that's assuming they would be interested to apply for their course of choice at the UiTM.
It says a lot about your weak mindset when 90 % of you are NOT ready to take head-on 10 % of non-bumiputeras in your class rooms and compete with them in the academic exams. You will always be known as, what we call, "intellectual cowards".
The proposal has nothing to do with wanting to deny 10% bumiputeras of tertiary education as there are other universities in the country .
Tan Sri Khalid, as a Malay/bumiputera himself who had seen enough in the private sector of the kind of quality of bumiputera graduates being mass-produced by some of our local public universities, is making his proposal for your own good, for the good of UiTM, for the good of the Malay/bumiputera community and for the good of the country.
The reasons for your objection are more due to your lack of sense of security, your self-worth, your self confidence and your paranoia of 'others', inculcated by the racially-based parochial policies of this UMNO-led Government over the last 50 years.
In any case, the quality of education in UiTM is nothing to crow about when compared to most other local public and private universities. Don't even try to match UiTM's academic performance with renown universities in other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Incidentally, we do NOT agree with blogger Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad that the proposal has anything to do with politics. That is a silly and ridiculous accusation. All the tough talk by Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad and others in opposing Tan Sri Khalid's proposal is being "bodoh sombong."
Malaysian Unplug
so...what is ur problem huh....malaysia is bumiputra right...even malaysia ni berbagai kaum..tapi sedarlah asal usul korang dari awal pembentukan malaysia...u all juz nothing...so,jgn nak besar kapala kat sini ek
this is not about the statement we are malaysian. this is about the continuity of malay life.. as we can see, how much of bumiputeras enrolled in professional courses [medic,law,acc,pharmacy,dentistry,engineering,architect] in local university like um,ukm,upm,usm?
maybe its about 90% non bumi n 10% bumi..so uitm is the place to balance out the unbalance in professional n non professional courses in malaysia..
this for the sake of kelansungan bangsa melayu..i know u also malay right?
u also being raised up with all the malay's agenda by our government..so be appreciated n don't be so selfish..u have to look at the back..lots of malay need to be help.."jangan sebab kau dah berjaya seberang sungai, kau nak potong n runtuhkan jmbtn yang pernah tolong kau..sapa nak tlng adik2 sebangsa kau yang lain yang nak ke seberang sana?" fikirlah...bangsa lain xkan tolong bangsa kita...skrg kita pegang kuasa memerintah pun, dah mcm penindasan secara halus diorg lakukan..inikan pulak kalau dah dapat kuasa..ingat la..jangan sebb kita nak nampak baik..nak bersaing la konon..fairness eqaulity..tolak ansur..akhirnya kita yang ditolak beransur2..
Booo to squareman. Kalau kau tak sayang bangsa and rasa taknak jadi Bumiputera tukar lah identiti kau. Tak sedar diri cermin diri tu. UiTM dah banyak lahirkan professional sampai aku ni dapat international job offer. Kau ni cakap tak pakai hotak tu pasal end up tak ke mana pon...
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